Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

When We Let the Father Name Us

We're in a war, friends. We have an Accuser, and sometimes he comes with a disguised voice, a voice that we maybe even think is our own.

We’ve got to ask: What has the Father named me?

What do You see, Father? What do You feel when you look at me?

Identify me.

Name me. 

His Word is the final Word. And the name He gives us is our true name.

And He has called us clean.

He has called us beloved.

He has called us no longer orphans, but His own.

He has called us wanted.

He has called us worth dying for.

He has called us beautiful.

And we have to stare at these truths, have to ingest them, have to pray them over our tattered hearts, have to let them soak into our beings … so that the truth of His Word, His names for us and His love over us become what define us through and through.

Kinsey Thurlow is a minister at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She is an advocate for the fatherless and her husband, Jon, is a worship leader and minister at IHOPKC.

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