Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

When Loss Launches Your Destiny

depressed woman

God brought about the prophetic fulfillment and destiny that was meant to be Joseph’s portion. It was through this rejected prisoner that God saved the entire region from a devastating famine and restored the promises made to Abraham concerning his family line.

Regardless of what you have been through that has deferred your hope, God is still able to fulfill the promises He has for you.

Just as the clothing that Joseph wore signified the favor he enjoyed, in the same way the spiritual garments that we are wearing represent our condition. Our garments may be made up of the pain of losses and hope deferred.

It doesn’t matter what the enemy has done to distort your identity in God. You can shake off the remnants of those tattered garments and be reclothed!

You do this by making a declaration of what you believe God will do. Declare these verses over your life, and allow your expectations of (but) God to be renewed:

  • Expect the Lord to raise up a standard against your foes (see Is. 59:19).
  • Expect your spirit to arise with glory so that oppression and depression break off you (see Is. 60:1).
  • Expect the Lord’s presence to rest on you (see v. 2).
  • Expect new vision to arise within you (see v. 4).
  • Expect new joy to overwhelm you (see v. 5).
  • Expect new favor to come upon you and new doors and connections to open for you (see v. 10).
  • Expect the spirit of poverty that has been holding your gates shut to let go, and expect the gate of provision to come open and stay open (see v. 11).

After the loss of our twins, the doctors warned us not to have any more children because they might be born with the same defects. But God did not agree.

Since that time we have had two beautiful, healthy boys. I can’t say that it was all easy, especially the first year after our loss, but God has shown Himself faithful to heal and restore. He has moved us forward to new levels of prophetic fulfillment and continues to lead us on an incredible journey of faith and joy.

Loss is a painful fact of life. Yet as we submit to the hand of God, it can become a tool that propels us into a now season of promise and joyous prophetic fulfillment.

Read a companion devotional.

Chuck Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema have co-authored several books, including Possessing Your Inheritance and The Future War of the Church. Both are published by Renew.

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