Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

When God Interrupts Your Devotional

Here's how our devotional routine can work against God's activity.

I spilled out, cried out, and bled out.

Sometimes, it’s in our hardest of seasons when some of our most precious and marking memories with God are made.

They are the times when deep desperately calls out to deep—when I search deep into His heart, determined to discover something, anything, that would sustain my soul … and He reaches His hand into the deep of mine, loving to reveal.

Our aches are escorts into the heart of the Father, the heart of our Healer, the heart of our God.

Our wrestling questions are invitations to discover, mysteries meant to send us on a treasure hunt.

And ultimately, in the searching of Him, and in the discovering of Him, we end up falling more in love with Him.

We’ve got to get real before God.

And sometimes we’ve got to press pause on the schedule, and come before Him, a child before her Father—without all the right, put-together words, without an agenda, without a set routine. But simply with hearts raw, desperate and hungry.

Let’s invite Him into those messy places we have a tendency to hide, let our heart spill out those unrefined questions and topics that we would rather bury.

Ask God your questions. Ask them in humility. Come to Him in your ache, in your confusion, in your bleeding.

Just come. For holy wrestlings awaken thirst, unearth our desperation, send us searching … and lead us into a deeper knowing of Him.

Let your deep cry out to His deep, and be you before Him. Unveil your heart to God … and just watch as He unveils His to you.

For these raw, heart-exposed, how-are-you-doing moments before Him are extraordinarily intimate.

Kinsey Thurlow is a minister at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She is an advocate for the fatherless and her husband, Jon is a worship leader and minister at IHOP-KC.

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