Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

When God Does the Shaking

woman stressed out talking

If God has shaken an area in your life, don’t try to rebuild it yourself. Allow Him to restore only those things He wants to establish in your life. Remember, God shakes us so that the things that cannot be shaken will remain.

His shaking will expose any hidden idols in our lives. An idol is what we give our strength to or draw our strength from.

If you are receiving your affirmation, love, self-worth, joy, strength and acceptance from anywhere or anyone but God, He will shake it. He does this so you will get your life from Him. He knows everything else will eventually disappoint you.

After a shaking, we see our condition in relation to God’s truth. However, it is not the truth you know but the truth you live that sets you free. To become responsible, we must be obedient.

We would not grant as much liberty to a disobedient or rebellious child as we would grant to an obedient and responsible child. A disobedient child would use his liberty to rebel. He would confuse rebellion with freedom.

Rebellion will bring bondage. Only through obedience can we find true liberty.

As the Holy Spirit ministers truth to your heart, receive it and walk in freedom. Let God’s truth become alive in you.

Lisa Bevere is a best-selling author of Fight Like a Girl, Kissed the Girls and Made them Cry, Out of Control and Loving It! and Be Angry and Don’t Blow It! In addition to speaking at national and international conferences, she is a frequent guest on Christian television and radio shows. She and her husband, best-selling author John Bevere, make their home in Colorado.

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