How to Share Your Faith With Your Family

These steps will help you develop an effective witness for Christ and will build your confidence. Trust God’s Spirit to teach you what to say, how to react and how to overcome fear in witnessing to your family (see Heb. 10:35).

You can dismantle the wall of fear and reach out to your lost loved one. Pray and trust God’s power to destroy the wall of fear in your life.

Remember to focus on Jesus. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by arguments, confusing doctrines or traditions. Learn who Jesus is through His Word and share that with those who are lost.

Go beyond your fear. Know that your family’s salvation is eternally more important than the possibility that they might reject you.

Secure in Jesus, you have nothing to fear, nothing to lose and nothing to hide. Let your loved ones see the new creation Jesus has made of you. Fear not!

Larry Keefauver is a pastor, teacher, author and former senior editor of Ministry Today magazine. This article is based on his book, Lord, I Wish My Family Would Get Saved, from Creation House.

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