Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

What You Need in Your Wilderness

You need this more than food to survive spiritually.

Whatever our season, we have to find Him in it. As humans we tend to live under this mindset that “It will be easier to seek God when … .”

“It will be easier when the grief lifts. It will be easier when the pain subsides. It will be easier when my schedule isn’t so crazy.”

But, reader, there will always be a distraction. Always. Good things, hard things, bad things … there will be something that makes it seem like “another time” for wholehearted God-seeking will be better than the present time.

But there is not going to be a better time. Now is our hearts’ hour for whole, nothing withheld, if-I-don’t-do-this-I’m-going-to-die-inside tenacious pursuit of the holy.

If you’re weary, offer your wearied prayer. If you’re aching, sing Him a song from a broken heart. If you’re weeping, weep before Him. If your life feels crazy, ask Him to help you engage with His heart right in the midst of the craziness.

Whether you’re grieving or celebrating or staring at the ceiling holding an icepack and wondering what in the world in going on, just abide in, live in and breathe in His presence.

For only He who creates life, who gives life, who is Life, can keep us alive on the inside.

Kinsey Thurlow is a minister at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She is an advocate for the fatherless and her husband, Jon is a worship leader and minister at IHOP-KC.

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