Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

What the Parable of the Talents Teaches Us About Receiving Abundant Life

Jesus exhibited this characteristic in everything He did.

Where has the time gone? We all say it, and yet we tend to put off until tomorrow what God has called us to do today. Especially when we’re young, we think we have all the time in the world; then suddenly we can find ourselves at the end of life with very little to show for it. This should not be and may it not be so in your life.

As God’s children, we have been given the gift of not only eternal life, but of abundant life right here on earth. Our Father has a purpose and plan for each of us and He wants us to succeed. When we succeed, it not only gives us fulfillment but it brings glory to our Father. Another way to look at it is that God has invested in us and just as in the parable of the talents, our master expects to get a return on that investment. The Bible says that we are to be good stewards of all we’ve been given. That means we need to be intentional in how we live each day, putting strength, energy and enthusiasm into all that we do. God is your life, so practice chasing the God kind of life.

Decide what’s important in your life and be fierce about going after it. This doesn’t mean you are harsh or run over others. It means you throw yourself into fulfilling your purpose wholeheartedly. You love and protect your family fiercely with strength and honor. Don’t let the little things distract you from what’s really important. Spend time with people who have purpose and run enthusiastically. Imitate those who have good fruit in their life and be accountable to them as you go after your high calling: “So that you may not be lazy, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. 6:12).

 Don’t be lazy, and don’t squander what God has put into you. Practice throwing yourself into every opportunity, every chance you have to pour into someone. Do everything with excellence. Allow the zeal of God to motivate you. Whether it’s work, ministry or play time, through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit and with arms open wide, grab all that life in God offers you. By living, loving and serving fiercely, you will stay young at heart, you will be filled with joy and you will honor your God.

Reprinted with permission from Here Be Lions ministry based in Nashville, TN. Diana Trout has co-pastored with her husband Tom for over 30 years in Kansas and Missouri.

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