Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

What the Bible Has to Say About Your Role as a Woman

Contrary to atheist ideas about God, Jesus elevated women in the ancient world.

“You don’t have to believe everything in the Bible because it was written by men in a male-oriented culture.”

“I refuse to believe in something that refuses to believe in me.”

These are just a couple of things women are saying about the Bible. And yet, as Dr. Ravi Zacharias explains in the video below, “There is no other worldview that gives the respect to womanhood that Jesus does.”

Watch this eight-minute video titled “Atheism, Feminism and the Bible” and see for yourself. Then, let me know how you know would answer the question. Does the Bible believe in women? (You’d make my day if you included Scripture to back up your answer!) 

© 2001-2016 Revive Our Hearts Paula Hendricks Marsteller is the Writing & Editorial Manager for Revive Our Hearts and the author of Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey from Neediness to Freedom. There’s nothing she loves to share more than the gospel-centered truths that have so transformed her own life: what it means on a daily basis to be “dead to sin, alive to God, and in Christ Jesus.” Paula and her husband, Trevor, make their home in New York.

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