Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What God Is Waiting For

Christians are waiting to hear from God. Yet here's what God waits for.

We are entering a new age when God is shifting how He does business with His people. The emphasis is moving from heaven being a faraway place to being present and accessible now. He is awakening us to a position where transformation is released on a global scale through partnership with His people. In this partnership, He is going to release divine answers to problems. We are going to suppress darkness like never before and soar to new levels of creativity.

The Power of ‘Yes’

In oneness and intimacy with Him is the power to change the world. The Earth is transformed when who you are becomes one with Him. Your continual yes is the joining of His world and our world together. That love collision releases redemption, transformation and answers over the world’s systems, economies and governments. Heaven on Earth means the banishment of fear, disease and premature death. It means that hope, beauty and creativity are released on such a scale that it is intoxicating and contagious. It is literally heaven’s atmosphere released into the Earth.

Biblical Examples

In 2 Chronicles, God spoke to King Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask whatever you want Me to give you.” The result was unprecedented prosperity, peace and glory for Jerusalem and Israel. Do we not have the same promise? John 15:7-8 says, “If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it shall be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” The Father’s glory is the result of partnering with His heart and asking. Solomon was one man. What if every believer on the Earth rose out of shame, an orphan heart and unworthiness in order to partner with God in their hearts’ desires?

God Is Waiting

It seems like the church is waiting for the next command from God, but He is waiting on the dream of His people. God’s dream for the Earth is heaven on Earth, period. The kingdom is at hand, and all of its treasures are waiting to be released through us. We have more permission and authority than we realize on this Earth! The end of Ephesians 1 in the Message Bible says, “The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence.” You are important. You are the way in which Christ speaks and acts in the Earth, and what is His goal? To fill everything with His presence!

Carriers of Encounter

We are carriers of the atmosphere of another world. When you walk into a room, the options for everyone in it instantly change. Where there were only options for fear, depression and hoplessness, now exist options for hope, life, healing and destiny. His presence in you and on you is an encounter for everyone you meet. It is light dispelling darkness. It is pulling heaven to Earth in a love collision that overrules Earth’s laws and limitations. You have permission to change the world, and that change starts right now. That change starts in His presence. {eoa}

Clint Kahler is a worship leader, mix engineer, producer, coder and lover of coffee. He believes that heaven on Earth should be a continual experience and that everyone should benefit from this normal Christian lifestyle. The impossible is his target and the presence is His passion. Clint is the Director of Nextgen Worship and co-leads worship at his home church with his wife, Hayley.

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