Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What Failure Taught This Woman About Dreaming Big Dreams for God

On my desk sits a small metal block that reads, “What would you attempt for God if you knew you would not fail?”

After returning from my recent trip to Mt. Kilimanjaro, I saw the block in my office and thought, I don’t know that I would ask myself that question anymore. None of us likes to fail, and most of us would not attempt things that we knew in advance we would not succeed at. However, most of us would also admit that we have learned more about ourselves, life and our relationship with God and others through our failures than our successes.

I did not make it to the summit. It was disappointing to me on every level not to reach that longed-for goal. However, looking back on the experience, the most meaningful moments of this incredible experience came because I did not summit. God’s Word tells us He already has our path marked out for us. I believe I did exactly what He intended for me to do on this climb. Now, I would look at this block and ask this instead: “What would I attempt for God even if I knew I might fail? What would I attempt for God even if I knew I would fail?”

Look at Matthew 14 when the disciples see Jesus walking on the water:

Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, bid me come to You on the water.”

He said, “Come.”

And when Peter got out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matt. 14:28-31).

Peter always gets a bad rap for sinking, but he is the only disciple who at least got out of the boat and attempted to walk toward Jesus. Why would he ask Jesus to ask him to come toward Him? He had to know and believe Jesus would give him the ability to walk on the water.

I ask you today to allow God to stretch you in life, to attempt things beyond your ability. To dream God-sized dreams. If you look at your life and nothing scares you, if you feel you can do everything in your own strength, then you are not dreaming big enough dreams for God. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He is the “extra.” All we are required to do is be obedient.

Listen to the full podcast episode at this link. {eoa}

Angela Donadio is a Bible study author, international speaker, recording artist and advocate for rural women in Africa. A survivor of two near-death experiences, she is passionate about encouraging others to “make life matter” through her podcast and messages. As a women’s pastor and ordained minister, she serves alongside her husband, Dale, lead pastor of a thriving church. She’s an adventure junkie, mom to two young adults and resources women with relevant biblical content at

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