Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Watch God Pour Out His Power Through a Holy ‘God-Wink’

It could look like an organ.

Ever have God wink at you?

You’re going along through your routine day, and something unusual or special happens.

Others might call it a coincidence, but the sense of joy you receive tells you it isn’t merely a convergence of random circumstances. Rather, it’s a personal reminder that our loving God is actively involved in the lives of His children.

It could be the most ordinary of events. Or it could be something extraordinary. Sometimes it’s not so much about the event as it is about the timing.

For example, Hubby and I were talking about how we haven’t seen much wildlife around our home in the past several weeks. We usually see rabbits, snakes, sandhill cranes and other birds and animals, but the fauna had been hiding lately. Then, within two days, I saw two large rabbits hop across our lawn, a shiny, two-foot black snake slither across the grass and our family of cranes strut across the backyard.

Coincidences, you say? Then how about this one …

Hubby’s mom lived with us for most of our marriage. You’ll never meet a sweeter woman. Sadly, in her last years, she suffered from a variety of illnesses, including dementia. We struggled to find things that would bring a smile to her face and make her eyes light up the way they used to.

One day, during an outing to the local mall, she saw a store selling electric organs/pianos. The joy that lit her face was almost tangible, so we purchased a small organ, and she loved playing with it for the remaining months she had with us.

Well, for the past 18 years, that organ sat in a corner of our home, unused. We finally decided to sell it earlier this year. I listed it on various marketplace sites, to no avail. I displayed it at a garage sale—it almost sold, but the buyer changed her mind at the last minute.

Finally, I listed it on Craigslist. Within two days we received an email that said:

I’m interested in this because my 85-year-old grandmother has dementia and all she talks about is how she played the piano in church when she was younger. She lives in a mobile home, so we’re looking for something small that will fit there.

A day later, the buyer picked up the organ and that evening texted a picture of her grandmother sitting on the piano bench, hands on the keyboard, smiling the broadest smile you would ever want to see.

God orchestrated events so the electric organ that brought joy to someone with dementia would be held in reserve until it could bring joy to another person with dementia 18 years later.

Coincidence? I don’t believe that for a minute.

I recently completed a Bible study of the Book of Romans. The last chapter is one many people skim through, or often skip altogether. Why? It’s filled with a list of names—most of which mean little or nothing to us today.

But those names tell me that God cares about individuals. He knows your name and mine. He is actively involved in the lives of His children. Sometimes He does it as His Holy Spirit gives an extra measure of peace in a difficult situation. Or He might do it by opening an opportunity you thought was closed.

Sometimes He does it with a wink.

Have you experienced a God wink? Share it in the comments! {eoa}

Ava Pennington is a writer, speaker and Bible teacher. She writes for nationally circulated magazines and is published in 32 anthologies, including 25 Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She also authored Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional, endorsed by Kay Arthur. Learn more at

This article originally appeared at

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