Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

WATCH: A Message from a Child Who Doesn’t Want His Parents to Get a Divorce

child of divorce

This is a powerful little video. Before you watch it, let me offer a few caveats.

I posted this for married people to watch, particularly those who are struggling in their marriages. If you are at a place of struggle at home where divorce is looking like a pretty good option for everyone (including your kids), then this is for you.

If you are currently divorced, you may want to watch this. The perspectives of this child might remind you to handle your kids very carefully as you interact with your spouse. The impact of divorce on kids is, of course, far-reaching.

If you are what I will call the “victim” of divorce (you are single because your spouse abandoned you at some point), I encourage you to move along. There’s nothing to see here. You probably could have written what this kid is saying, and you know the impact of what he is sharing. The last thing I want to do is make anyone feel guilt or condemnation.

May we all be aware of the impact that our adult decisions have on the little people in our wake. And may we all walk daily in the redemption that God offers to each of us through Jesus.

God help us all.


Barrett Johnson is the Minister to Families at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also the founder of INFO for Families and the author of The Talks: A Parent’s Guide to Critical Conversations about Sex, Dating, and Other Unmentionables.

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