Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Unleash the Power to Break Through to Victory

woman in victory

There is a new generation arising in the church who can feel something radical stirring inside them. They have read the Bible, and the passion of the apostolic leaders of the New Testament church burns in their hearts.

This generation confronts sin and the demons that hold souls captive. Their God is the one who can change a nation and lead the church of Jesus Christ out of captivity and into an advancing, invading force.

It was their God who led Israel out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. He did not enter into agreement with the Canaanites but utterly cut off the enemy and took their possessions (see Ex. 23:23).

This is a gate-crashing, wall-breaking, obstacle-removing God. He is the originator of every power and principality, as well as the victor over them through Jesus’ death and resurrection (see Col. 2:10).

The God of this new generation is described in Micah 2:13: “‘The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their king will pass before them, with the Lord at their head'” (NKJV). No way is impenetrable to Him.

This God is our God. He will break open any route He has ordained for us to go through, even if it seems blocked. God the breaker goes up before us.

This is not an ordinary person on our side. It is the King who will pass through before us.

In Old Testament times, invading forces used battering rams to break through gates (see Ezek. 21:22). Because God is at the head, up front, He is the battering ram who breaks open the way.

The term “breaker” is foreign to most Christians. According to Barnes’ Notes, the “Breaker-Through” is one of the titles given to Christ.

The image here in Micah is one of conquering and deliverance. Something has to be broken through; and something has to be overcome.

The breaker crashes a gate in order to move the Israelites into the open place where they are not confined as they were in prison. The gate of the prison that held them was burst open to set them free.

This is the same image found in Isaiah 43:6 when God said through Isaiah, “‘I will say to the north, “Give them up!” And to the south, “Do not keep them back.”‘”

Breakthrough is something that we cannot do by ourselves. It requires divine intervention. God has given apostolic people territories to take and adversity to overcome, and they cannot be victorious alone.

The story of the Exodus is God saying to Moses, “I will do it.” God is leading the church today in the same way He led Moses and broke open the way in those days.

At the right time, God released His intervention and power. But Moses had to believe God and initiate bold action.

Moses had to go before Pharaoh and confront him. Yet God is the one who broke through for Israel (see Is. 52:11-12).

Breakthrough occurred when the Israelites were released from captivity in Babylon and returned home to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and re-establish their land (see Is. 48:20). They had to break through forces exerted by people such as Sanballat and Tobiah, who did not want them to repossess what had been theirs (see Neh. 2:19).

God is raising up a people who will reclaim lost land and inheritances, both naturally and spiritually. We will face an enemy who does not want us to have what is rightfully ours, but the Breaker is going before us to give us what is our destined heritage.

In another passage in Isaiah, we can see the spiritual meaning of deliverance from prison brought about through the work of our coming redeemer, Christ: “‘I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house'” (42:6-7).

The redemption of Israel from exile has been likened to being liberated from captivity. Egypt was like a prison with walls and gates. Both must be broken through in order to find freedom and obtain one’s inheritance.

Just as King Jehovah went before Israel in the wilderness, He will go before us now and lead the procession to break through in order to break out. This is a picture of a courageous, believing and victorious people who absolutely trust God and His leadership.

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