Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Trusting God When Life Doesn’t Make Sense

Jesus holding woman's hand

Once again, for the 40-somethingth year, I’m focusing on my circumstances rather than on my Savior….WHEN will I learn this lesson?

I’m looking at my feet rather than directly forward…I’m not looking at Jesus. 

I’m so focused on where I’m going that I forget Who I’m going with. 

I’m so worried about the future that I’m forgetting the Father.

If I truly believe that the Father holds my future…WHY do I worry so?  Why do I get all wiggy about things?

If I believe that He does work all things together for good for those who love Him and whom He has called, then I know that no matter what decision I make, He will work for good. 

So maybe the issue is that I want things to get “fixed”–I want a different situation…an easier life…less complication, more calm. 

I’m not so sure that God’s good is always easier…peaceful yes, but not necessarily easier.

Drat…I wanted easier.

I’m tired of being tired…exhausted by exhaustion…frustrated by frustration…

BUT isn’t that MY issue? 

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