Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

This Teaching Is Dangerous for Women

crazy man holding bible

Maybe this is the most important reason in your mind to draw attention to this wrong teaching from Scripture. But I have a more important issue in my head, and I will end focusing on what I think is THE reason to be concerned about this teaching.

It codifies sloppy Bible interpretation, and this is bad for all of us.  

As I said in my first post on True Woman 101, I have a high standard for what constitutes an accurate handling of the Word. I believe that standard is best held through self-examination and a willingness to correct when confronted with contradictory Scripture. I have had to correct myself personally in light of that standard many times, usually when another confronts me with Scripture I am misunderstanding or a passage I have missed altogether. It’s humbling to have to correct yourself. But it’s right nonetheless, and for the integrity of the Scriptures, it’s absolutely necessary.

I know this concern of mine isn’t as important to others as it is to me. But of everything else listed here, this is the one that bothers me most. Sure, this teaching hurts women when practically applied, and that is a big problem. But this teaching is also just wrong! It is the result of inaccurately handling the Word of God. THAT’S what hurts women!

My major concern for women coming out of a True Woman 101 study is not what they think of themselves but how they understand Scripture. If a woman can accurately handle Scripture, she’ll eventually get her identity in Christ. This may be an unpopular focus I have, but I stand by it.

I’ve staked my ministry on the belief that the Bible when accurately handled is good for women, that it is LIFE-GIVING for women. Teach women to handle the Word accurately. Do it ourselves in our studies and teaching. Elders and pastors, encourage it and oversee it. When we do that, a whole lot of other issues in the body of Christ concerning gender suddenly fall into place. 

Adapted from Wendy Alsup’s blog, Wendy has authored three books including By His Wounds You Are Healed: How the Message of Ephesians Transforms a Woman’s Identity. She is also a wife, mom and college math teacher who loves ministering to women.

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