Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

This Attitude Is Crucial for Successful Spiritual Warfare

You will falter and succumb to the enemy's tactics with this demeanor.

You know when you share something really exciting with someone and they just nod or grunt with an “OK, whatever” attitude? It’s like nothing really moves some people. They’ve settled into a dull, passive place where they are no longer really passionate about anything. As a culture, we’ve seen so much and experienced so much that we’ve been lulled to sleep and no longer know how to respond, especially when it comes to our lives as Christians. Passive religion leaves us with a victim mentality where the enemy is always the aggressor, and we are hiding and crying for God to come save us. But if we are believers, then God has already saved us through the death and resurrection of Christ. Now it is time for us to walk out what the blood of Jesus paid for. God has given us enabling power to stand up and fight against our enemy the devil, not cower in the corner or sit passively while he is taking us out and destroying our families.

As Christians, we need to have a fierce attitude when it comes to standing against the enemy of our soul. We can no longer afford to think of fierceness in a negative way. The Lion of Judah is fierce, and we need to be fierce in the way we fight for our families, and especially our children. Satan is stealing and killing helpless children of believers every day. This should not be happening! He is intensely pushing our kids the wrong direction, while moms and dads sit passively on the sidelines having no clue what’s happening. We must become passionate about serving our God. We need to have an attitude of fierceness or intensity like a mother bear fighting for her cub.

You might be a quiet person, an introvert, but even quiet people get intense about what they really love. I know all of you parents out there would physically step in front of a bullet or fight off anyone who was coming after your child. Yet, it is so easy to become passive about a spiritual force we can’t see. But there are powers and principalities after us and our kids every day. We must wake up and fight back. If we are to be overcomers, we need to become fiercely and fully involved in the fight.

We need to have a fierce, passionate, intense attitude in our love of God, in how we worship and how we fight for our families. Fierce doesn’t mean loud, mean or harsh. It means we live an intense life with passion and strength.

We can all do better at this. Let’s be fierce! {eoa}

Reprinted with permission from Here Be Lions ministries. Diana Trout and her husband, Tom, have pastored churches in Kansas and Missouri for over 30 years.

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