Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Quest for Glory

glory of God

Ché and I continually consecrate our lives to God with the desire to become more holy and more loving. Our marriage belongs to God; it is a place we invite His glory to inhabit. Ché and I daily choose the gift of forgiveness. We are ever learning humility through discovering our mutual need for one another and choosing to daily receive each other.

Together, we are seeking to know Him. In unity, we pray. We are being continually reconciled, man to woman, husband to wife. God offers these same privileges to all of us that each might be called a child of God. He is looking for vessels to receive His glory, vessels who want His love, vessels through which He can pour out His love upon the broken lives around us.

The Lord Jesus longs to begin with each of us, one life at a time, so that He will ultimately fill the whole earth with the glory of His Father. This is His quest for glory. And it begins with you and me.

Read a companion devotional.

Sue Ahn has served in pastoral ministry for more than 30 years. She and her husband, Ché, are senior pastors at HRock Church in Pasadena, Calif.

By Sue Ahn

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