Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Only Answer for the Gnawing Hunger in Your Spirit

Experience the marvel of 'deep calls to deep' in Psalm 42.

There’s something in the depths of my soul that desperately yearns for the Lord. I have a desire to know Him in the unfathomable wonder of His glory. I want to move beyond the heartless worship and empty religious forms and have an overwhelming experience of His presence.

I don’t just want to know about the Lord. I yearn to encounter Him in the fullness of who He is. 

Through an ancient Psalm attributed to David, a declaration was made that truly plunges beneath the surface. The words of this prayer reflect a longing that displaces all religious superficiality.

“Deep calls to deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and Your billows passed over me. Yet the Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song will be with me, a prayer to the God of my life” (Ps. 42:7-8).

As I listen to this beautiful Hebraic poetry, I hear a declaration that resonates with my deepest longings. These inspired words speak of a wonder that overwhelms the heart.

Though life can be unsettling, God is calling out to the deep places of the soul. He releases a thundering resonance that echoes through the caverns of creation. The wondrous song of the night is playing and inviting an corresponding accompaniment.

I’m learning to not be frightened by the mystery and tumult. It is here in the ferocity of the deep, that the longing of the heart is finally fulfilled. 

The deep things of God are calling out to the deep things in you. The only question is, how are you going to respond? {eoa}

J.D. King, director of the World Revival Network and co-pastor at World Revival Church, is writing Regeneration: Healing in the History of Christianity. King is a sought-after speaker, writer and author.

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