Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The One Spiritual Lesson About Dating This Single-Again Woman Most Needed

What a roller-coaster ride! This dating thing has had its ups and downs. Without hesitation, I have been sharing with the world my whole dating experience. Sharing with you hasn’t been all that bad, though, because I never for a moment doubted my faith walk while dating.

However, as I mentioned in my shared stories prior to this one, especially the last episode, I thought I had this dating thing in the bag. Boy! Was I wrong. Let me start off saying, “I know nothing.” The one person I can count on in every situation is the Father. I admit I sort of went on this journey without seeking Him for counsel. I went headfirst, thinking I knew enough to make choices on my own.

I was so wrong. I would have saved a lot of time if I had taken each person I had met to God in prayer. I thought I had chosen the right person out of a total of three. I’m not even sure any of the three was created by God for me and my son. I believe we want what we want as a people so much at times we leave God out—especially those sections of our lives we have a strong desire for things to go our way. We absolutely listen to our flesh.

What a lesson I have learned. The one guy I thought was the better one of the three was not what I thought. He’s not a bad guy. He just wasn’t a good guy for me.

We both had a similar upbringing, and I connected so much with that; I was hooked. What a revelation. I connected with his past hurt and pain. Yet we had only one other thing in common in our now. I really had to step back and take a look at why I connected with him on such a painful and hurtful past.

Maybe I had always desired for someone to truly understand what I had gone through. Maybe I need someone to. I believed that this connection was enough to build on, but it wasn’t, because we were unequally yoked. We didn’t share in the same level of faith in God. This guy hadn’t experienced the same warfare I had experienced. He had never been taught who the enemy really is. I was not willing to give up on us because of our differences, but God never intended for me to be the one to be his teacher.

“His intentions are not good toward you,” I heard the Father say to me during my prayer after a frustrating final three months of a six-month relationship with this guy. It had become too much for me.

I finally surrendered enough to give it to God. I finally came to the end of myself. I finally wanted what God wanted for this guy and myself. It was time to allow God to order my steps. Time to take my hands off the wheel. I felt so much relief afterwards.

A peace of God came over me, and I knew I was transitioning into the place He wanted me. I fought my thoughts often during my short weeks of recovery. I had to fight the thoughts of wasting my time. I had to deal with the disappointment of things not working out as I believed they would.

Instead of staying there. I got up and chose to believe the Father’s truth instead. This gave me the strength and the power to move forward. I have not given up on love or dating. The lesson I have learned first and foremost is to take everyone and everything to the Father first. Thank God, He is the restorer and a healer. Move on, with Him being involved in everything and in every way. Save yourself some time! {eoa}

For Dr. Gina’s teaching on this topic, listen to the podcasts included here!

Gina R. Prince is an apostle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She has a podcast show called “The Keys Against the Enemy” on Connect with Gina on Instagram and Twitter @ginarprince as well as Facebook at “The Keys Against the Enemy.” Visit her website at

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