Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

The Key to Walking in God’s Divine Strategy for Your Life

woman imagining thinking

The Lord is going to raise up multitudes of people across the earth to live a fasted lifestyle before a Bridegroom God. This must happen because we cannot continue on this path of insensitivity toward the purposes of God.

God’s people must be endued with power and illuminating righteousness. I’m talking about a day when we cast demons out of insane children, heal paralytics by one word and empty out insane asylums.

I envision apostolic teams sent out to the nations of the world, thousands of churches planted and miracles beyond measure breaking forth. I challenge you to dare to believe all the way, with no way out.

Get trained and equipped. Get in the middle of what God’s doing, and let’s go for broke. Let’s go for the whole thing!

Let The Forerunners Arise Micah prophesied about a future day when the Messiah would lead Israel with a “breaker anointing” that would help them break out of the old way and break open new dimensions of the purpose of God (see Mic. 2:12). Jesus is the ultimate expression of one who breaks open new dimensions of the Spirit for others to enter into.

We should follow the Lord and embrace the breaker anointing He is giving to many of us. God will use us to break open new dimensions in the Holy Spirit and make the church a dwelling place of His power where cancer, AIDS, disease, demons of pornography, drugs and alcohol cannot survive.

The Holy Spirit is raising up forerunners today who will break out and break through because they are contending for the power of God and the fullness of the apostolic faith. It is not a matter of convincing God to release His power; He is waiting to convince us. God wants to give us the fullness of power for our generation, but only after He has established an intimacy with us so that we are able to handle it.

Read a companion devotional.

Mike Bickle founder of the International House of Prayer movementis the author of several books including After God’s Own Heart, published by Charisma House, from which this article is adapted.

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