Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Key to Unlock Your Extraordinary Destiny

God has an invitation for you.

Imagine there is a knock on your door. You run to answer it and upon opening the door you discover a messenger of the king. I want you to think Cinderella style, but rather than a herald there is an angel on your doorstep. The divine messenger calls you by name and declares that you are an heiress—a princess of the heavenly realm. Stunned, you answer his declaration with a question. “I am?” He nods in affirmation and places what appears to be an invitation in your hands. There is no mistaking your name perfectly written on the envelope in bold gold letters. You draw a deep breath and carefully remove the gilded invitation:

You, beloved daughter, are now reborn as a princess of the Most High.

As you grow in the intimate knowledge of Jesus, His grace and peace will continually multiply in your life. This royal designation means you will have access to all that you would ever need as you pursue godliness and run the course of your life. Be assured that as you delve into the Holy Scriptures, your youth and mind will be renewed and you will become aware of all the vast treasury of the great and precious promises that have been granted to you. Each of these has been miraculously provided for you! Lovely one, in case you yet doubt, this is the best invitation you’ve ever received! All you need to do now is to turn your back on the world that has already turned its back on you.

I took some major liberties and personalized 2 Peter 1:3–4. But read it in the Modern English Version as well:

 His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us by His own glory and excellence, by which He has given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, so that through these things you might become partakers of the divine nature and escape the corruption that is in the world through lust.

There is unrivaled promise on your life, and it is also your treasure. For some, this gift is dormant … alive but asleep. I speak of the blessing of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. These riches are not attached to anything man-made. They are eternal.

This promise is unrivaled, not only in riches but also in reach. Multiplied millions have the seed of this promise in their hearts, and yet no matter how many people claim their share, this treasure is never diminished.

If Jesus had not knocked on the door of my heart, I would be left with nothing. It would have to be miraculous for me to inherit anything! My family was not positioned to leave an inheritance to my brother and me. But what would I rather have, leftovers or legacy? I learned a long time ago that a promise from God outlasts possessions.

So how do we access these very great promises? They are ours by faith. Galatians 3:14 (MEV) tells us:

So that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Beloved, one of the most glorious, courageous things you will ever do is live in the fullness of all that the death of Jesus purchased for you. God’s destiny for your life, and His words over you, are not limited to your current situation. His promise to you is unrivaled.

How will you respond to the knock at your door? Will you hide from it or embrace it?

Lisa Bevere is an international speaker, best-selling author, and co-founder of Messenger International. In her transparent style, Lisa shares God’s Word woven with personal experiences to empower lives with freedom and transformation. Her heart breaks over social injustice. As an advocate for change, she rallies others to be an answer to desperate problems near and far. Lisa begins her days with mochas and ends them laughing around the dinner table. Lisa lives in Colorado Springs with the love of her life, author and speaker John Bevere, and their family.

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