Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The John 13:34 Gift That Transformed This Blind Woman’s Perspective

Janet Perez Eckles with her mom

I struggled in the kitchen, trying to find the box of cereal for my 3, 5 and 7-year old sons’ breakfast. At age 31, my sudden blindness had darkened my world in all aspects.

Everything Became More Difficult

My parents observed and with tears, they expressed their concern. But I kept my anguish from them, hoping to avoid intensifying the pain they felt for me.

Then one day, my mom sat beside me on the couch, held my hands in hers and said, “What would you say about your father and I moving in with you? I can help you with the boys.”

I sighed with gratitude. My sons would be thrilled, and my husband pleased to have her help.

The transition for them wouldn’t be easy, as they would give up their spacious condominium. Once with us, my parents would be living in tight quarters in our home, but I knew their love could fill a football field. There would be enough to overcome all the inconveniences.

Time of Transition

We all began the adjustment period, stressful at times, but my mom’s delicate demeanor and caring nature made it easier for all of us to re-establish our roles.

Mom could have shown her love and support for me in many ways. But looking back, her sacrifice made Jesus’ words come alive for me: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).

Her Jesus kind of love renewed my hope and fueled my desire to move forward. And the fact that someone loved me enough to sacrifice for me sparked a new perception of my blindness.

My Blindness Was No Longer a Handicap

Instead, it became a hope-filled adventure Years later, through God’s grace and her support, my life has been filled with success, both personal and professional.

But this lesson Mom taught ever so tacitly is the best reward: Seeing our physical surroundings isn’t as important as being willing to see beyond our own comfort and help those who need us most.

Mom Still Lives Out That Conviction

Today, at 90, she continues strong, providing much more than physical assistance with the household chores. She radiates the power of love that dispels any darkness.

Like a priceless treasure, I have tucked her gift away in my heart. It’s laced with golden strings of gratitude.

Let’s Pray

Father, teach me how to give, how to show and reflect Your love even when it’s difficult, unfamiliar or inconvenient. Show me how to give the love that adds value to those around me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Do you know anyone who needs the gift of your love? {eoa}

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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