Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

The Enemy’s Secrets Revealed

Our ancient foe has always fought these 3 areas.

It is important to remember God’s covenant with mankind is still in effect. Genesis 3:15 provides the victorious redemptive work that restores the sons of Adam to their covenant position as stewards of all creation.

“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of His dear Son, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Col. 1:13-14).

It is still God’s plan for mankind “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it” (Gen. 1:28). Therefore, every human being is the target for Satan’s destructive work.

Satan’s Three-Pronged Attack

A three-pronged attack has been established against the human race and the kingdom of God:

  1. Personal attacks to steal, kill and destroy individual human lives
  2. Control regions, territories, neighborhoods and cities by corrupting the governments to steal, kill and destroy human lives and to destroy the authority and rule of the kingdom of God in that area.
  3. Corrupt and control the church of Jesus Christ so as to steal, kill and destroy human lives and to destroy the authority and power of the kingdom of God.

Effective warfare against the powers of darkness not only requires understanding the enemy’s strategy; it is equally important to know his weaponry, method of attack; and a working knowledge of the battlefield. No army commander would lead his men into battle without this critical information. The Scriptures give important insight into these matters.

“Let no man say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil; neither does He tempt anyone. But each man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed. Then, when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin; and when sin is finished, it brings forth death. Do not err, my beloved brothers” (James 1:13-16).

Satan’s plan of attack is quite simple. The enemy first learns the inherent weakness found in every person, culture and government; then he exploits them.

The enemy will seek to exploit these weaknesses by attacking the mind, will, emotions or natural appetites of the flesh with adversity or enticements. The individual or populace must choose whether to yield to the enticement or adversity and surrender their members to sinful behavior or whether they will resist and obey God.

Rarely do they immediately understand the painful cost of yielding to the enemy’s strategy. The enemy’s plan is to make death appear as life. The serpent did not show Adam and Eve the murder scene of their son, when he tempted them to eat of the forbidden tree. He told them they would be like God (Gen. 3:4-5). The old saying is very true.

Sin will always cost you more than you intended to pay;
Take you farther than you intended to stray,
Keep you longer than you intended to stay.

Excerpt from Mission Agape by Dr. F. Dean Hackett. F. Dean Hackett has served in full-time Christian ministry since October 1971. He has ministered throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, serving as pastor, conference speaker and mentor. He has planted four churches, assisted in planting 15 others, and currently serves as Lead Pastor of Living Faith Church in Hermiston, Oregon. Dean has been married 45 years to his wife, Wanda. They have three children serving in full-time Christian ministry. Their two daughters are missionaries in Croatia, and their son is planting a church in Portland, Oregon. They have nine grandchildren. Dr. Dean is known for training many leaders who are presently in full-time ministry around the world. He has completed a Master’s in Ministry, a Master’s of Theology and a Ph.D. in practical theology with an emphasis in marriage and family counseling. His enthusiastic and challenging ministry has made him a popular teacher and conference speaker. He has written eight books and is presently writing the third book in a trilogy Freedom Series. Dr. Hackett founded Spirit Life Ministries International in 2001 to facilitate ministries in Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina and to open a training center for workers in those nations. You can find him at F. Dean Hackett – Foundational, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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