Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Divine Purpose Holy Spirit Has for Your Business

Even in her first job as a movie theater ticket taker at age 16, author, entrepreneur and business coach Linda Fields says she had a strong interest in business. And that interest, she says, reflects the heart of God.

“I began to be very aware that God was all about [business] because money was sent through a method of exchange; people were receiving value,” she says on The Linda Fields Show on the Charisma Podcast Network. “God is very much about business. And in Deuteronomy 8:18, what the Bible tells us is He gives the power to get wealth, so that there will be a fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant, [which is] basically to bless the other families in the earth.

“You actually have people in the earth assigned to you that will be blessed by your business, by your service, by your writing, by your endeavors, by your trading, by your investments, by what you do in the realm of business,” Fields adds. “It’s going to bless you like crazy, you bet. But there are people way beyond you who are going to be blessed. And God loves to fund a business that is centered on a Deuteronomy 8:18 vision.”

Businesspeople should always strive to go to the next level, Fields says. “I don’t believe we can afford to stay where we are. In fact, nobody ever really does stay where they are; you are either advancing, or you’re sliding back.”

To learn more of Fields’ business wisdom and how you can apply next-level principles to your own business, listen to this podcast.

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