Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Awakening Impact of Romans 8:28

Because of wounds we received at church, my family stopped attending when I was a child. As a teen, I occasionally went with a friend. It’s been many years, but I remember clinging to every word as a pastor shared how God spoke to him following a personal tragedy.

While he was preaching a revival, someone didn’t see that his son, Luke, was in the parking lot. The child was struck and killed. This pastor and father breathed the oxygen of agony until his heart was able to receive the seed that changed his life and mine. “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

About three years later, this verse kept me from taking my life when facing a devastating trauma at the age of 19. And in time, it awakened me to the wisdom and wonder of that powerful truth as I surrendered to Christ and began training my children to experience the beauty and brutality of life.

If a single seed can have such a powerful impact, what if we plant a forest within the hearts of our children? It’s not too difficult.

  • Recognizing that a single Bible verse has the power to determine destinies, we can make church a priority. It’s one thing to teach our children about God, but much more effective when we have others reinforcing the values we’re trying to teach them.
  • We can transform our homes into houses of prayer and power by posting Scripture on mirrors, kitchen cabinets and inside closets, always reminding us that God loves us and has called us.
  • We can be intentional in teaching our children. My grand-angels learned all of Psalm 91 while riding to and from school.
  • We can ask God to surround them with people who will pray for them and guide them when beyond the church walls and through small groups or activities they become involved in. In praying for this, my daughter had a Christian dance instructor, piano teacher, schoolteachers and more. It made a powerful difference in her life, as her faith was her culture.
  • So let’s grab a piece of pretty paper. I often have the kids paint scribbles on watercolor paper, tear it into small pieces and write Bible verses on it. Buy a piece of canvas and have the kids make a Scripture collage. As happened with me, someday a verse they write may save their lives. It may save their souls. And as they share this power with others, they will transform the world.

    “As for God, His way has integrity; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all those who take refuge in Him” (Ps. 18:30).

Connie Norris passion is to mobilize women and children to pray. Please visit her website, “My Home, a House of Prayer for All Nations” or connect with her on Facebook.

This article originally appeared at

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