Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Tear Open These Perfect Presents Jesus Is Giving You Right Now

May Holy Spirit open your eyes to His goodness through this beautiful prophetic story.

 I am sure you would have,” He answered .

“I gave it, but you were so focused on what you had lost that you never noticed that I had this gift for you. I tried to get your attention, but you steadfastly refused to look my way. You were pretty angry at me during that time … but that is the past. Say, why don’t you open the red package?”

The woman picked up the red package and opened it expectantly. Inside was a beautifully framed picture of her and a woman she hardly knew.

 “This is me with … Terri, isn’t it? But we never really became friends. She was a bit odd, you know? We sure seem to be having a good time, though,” she added quickly. “When was this taken?”

It wasn’t.” Jesus responded. “Do you remember the many times you asked me for a good friend?’

The woman hung her head.

Yes, I do remember,” she said sadly, “but she never came. I remember feeling so lonely at times that I thought I would go crazy. Why did you not answer this prayer?” she asked, the tears rimming her eyes.

Oh, but I did,” He said, smiling. “Do you remember all the times Terri reached out to you? She invited you many times to have coffee, and you always told her you were busy. The truth was that you never gave Terri a chance. She was different. All my children are different, but she, dear one, was perfect for you. Too bad you never took my gift. Those lonely times could have been filled with someone to have fun with and someone for you to share your joys and disappointments with. She was the answer to that prayer.

“Say, let’s look at the gold box.”

The woman picked up the gold box, this time, a little more slowly. She cautiously opened it to view the contents. Inside was a beautiful award with her name inscribed on it. 

What is this for?” she asked.

She was truly confused this time.

Do you recall your great feeling of insignificance, the one you constantly struggled with?” Jesus asked her.

Oh my, yes!” she responded. “Sometimes I felt as though I was invisible to others. I would be with a room of people all talking about their jobs, their hobbies and children. I could not think of anything that I had done that stood out. I always felt so … ordinary, and unfulfilled, as though something were missing from my life.

“Not You! ” she quickly added. “Oh, I always felt Your presence, but something still was missing.”

 “You’re right.” he confirmed. “Read the inscription.”

The woman carefully picked up the delicate award and read the inscription.

Volunteer of the Year?” she asked, more confused than ever. “I don’t remember this.”

That is because, like the rest of these gifts, it remained unopened.” Jesus responded patiently. “Remember the many times you were asked to volunteer?”

The woman hung her head sadly. “I do remember,” she confessed. “I was so afraid that I would get in over my head and not do a good job. I didn’t want to disappoint the people who were asking me.”

Those who asked you did not expect perfection.” he replied. “They would have been patient. Among all of the opportunities offered to you was one I had hidden. In that opportunity, you would have found the significance you so longed for. You would have discovered a talent you did not know existed. I was truly disappointed that you did not find the courage and time to open those gifts.”

There was so much on earth I missed out on,” she confessed. “I wish I had paid better attention.”

The woman looked at all of the remaining gifts, and her courage and joy began to melt away.

” Do I have to open all of these?” she asked. “This is depressing. I thought there would be no more tears now that I am in heaven.”

The woman began to weep, feeling the loss of so many good things she could have experienced on earth but were now useless to her. Jesus tenderly dried every tear from her eyes.

The woman awoke from her sleep only to realize it was a dream. She sat up in bed for a while, just thinking. Thinking of all of the times that she had been so focused on her losses, her faults, her wants and desires that she overlooked the Savior’s hand of provision.

Tears in heaven? The Scripture promises us He will wipe away every tear from our eyes (cf. Rev. 7:17). Those tears might well come from the room in our mansion of unopened gifts.

This woman had her own issues that kept her from acknowledging the gifts God so graciously was extending to her.

Your issues may be different, but whatever you are dealing with, please remember He will supply all your needs according to His riches in heaven (cf. Phil. 4:19).

This woman had been graciously given a second chance; now, dear ones. so have you. He is offering us gifts to meet our every need.

How many will you choose to open? {eoa}

Wanda Hackett has been leading children’s ministries for more than 40 years in churches throughout the United States and Canada. She has a strong passion to see children experience Jesus Christ on their level—in a very living and relevant way. She has written numerous Children’s Church curricula, some of which has been translated into Croatian, She has 3 children, who are all in full-time ministry, and 9 grandchildren.

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