Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Supernatural Secrets to Finding the Life-Balance You Desperately Seek

A few Sundays ago, I had a dilemma. We were a few minutes late for church, and we took a seat behind the children. In our church, pre-K through sixth-grade kids sit in the sanctuary during worship and then are released after worship to go to their children’s program. We were barely seated when one of the sixth-grade girls jumped from her seat and rushed to John. “Would you be our teacher today? Our teacher isn’t here.”

It turns out there was a miscommunication between the children’s director and the teacher, but that still meant someone was needed to help with the sixth-grade boys and girls. My husband was quick to respond, and another woman was too. And I just sat there. I forced myself not to follow. Why?

I knew I could get up to help. I was physically and mentally able to come up with a lesson on the fly. But deep down, I knew I couldn’t. I have three children under the age of 6. I homeschool. I write and blog. I lead our teen mom support group. I didn’t have one ounce of “extra” in me to give.

It’s hard saying no. Really hard. The only easy way to do it is by understanding what we were called to say yes to.

In my book Balanced , I encourage readers to narrow down their “life themes” to eight. Why eight? None of us is about just one thing—and eight is enough to manage, believe me!

What are your eight life themes?

My husband loves children’s church. It’s his passion, and he took a break from it when we adopted our two new kids, mostly because the adjustment was huge. If he were to create a list of his eight life themes, children’s church would be on that list.

Because I love John and enjoy children, I’ve supported him in this. Before adopting our new kids, I spent most Sundays working by his side, but in this season of life, I just can’t do it. I need to get filled upon Sundays so I can pour out the rest of the week.

Eight life themes are the things that come from the core of us. Yet during different seasons of life they may look different. These are my eight priorities in this season of life. These are the things I choose to say yes to:

  1. Being a child of God
  2. Being a wife
  3. Being a mom. (Adoption is a huge part of this now, as is homeschooling.)
  4. Mentoring teen moms
  5. Writing books
  6. Blogging/radio
  7. Keeping a home
  8. Staying healthy

It’s a big list. It’s enough. I also have a passion for leading mission trips, and a time may come when I start helping John in children’s ministry again. But now is not that time. And I’m OK with that. I know Jesus has created me for a purpose in this day. In this season.

How about you? If you’re like me there is a lot you can do. But what is God asking you to do in this season? What are your eight priorities?

Steps You Can Take

1. Look at your life. Currently, what are your eight priorities? Write them down.

2. Make a second list of things you need to say no to.

3. Start saying no to everything except your current priorities.

Daily Prayer

  • Dear Lord Jesus, 

I thank you for all that you’ve given me. Lord, sometimes it seems too much. Help me to focus on the priorities You have given me in this season. Also, Lord, help me to say no to other things, no matter how wonderful they seem. In Your name, amen. {eoa}

Tricia Goyer is a busy mom of 10, grandmother of two and wife to John. Somewhere around the hustle and bustle of family life, she manages to find the time to write fictional tales delighting and entertaining readers and non-fiction titles offering encouragement and hope. A best-selling author, Tricia has published 50 books to date and has written more than 500 articles. She is a two-time Carol Award winner as well as a Christy and ECPA Award nominee. To connect with Tricia, go to or

This article originally appeared at

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