Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Spirit-Filled Steps to Help You Fall More in Love With Jesus Every Day

There are moments in my Christian walk when I feel intensely close to Jesus. I feel head over heels in love with Him. Then there are moments when I feel dry, as though He’s distant—or maybe I’m the one who’s distant. I often pray, Lord, let me fall more deeply in love with you.

I’m betting you’ve had those moments too. We want to love Jesus with our entire being, as He said, with our whole heart, soul and mind (Matt. 22:37). But how? How do we rekindle love on a daily basis so our hearts don’t grow cold?

Before I dive into my suggestions we need to recognize that our relationship with Jesus is going to have ebbs and flows because we’re human. Let me be clear. His love for us never ebbs. His love is perfect. Ours however is a different story. At times we’re going to “feel” closer to Jesus than others.

In those times that we feel our love has lost some of its original flame, here are a few suggestions to rekindle:

Slow Down and Rest: Often in our overstimulated society, we become addicted to rushing. Steve and I have found we need to carefully guard our hearts from this, especially when our travel schedule has been extremely heavy. It’s easy to lose the ability to simply “be still” in God’s presence, because activity can be addictive.

Recently, I read this quote by Rick Lawrence, and I have to admit it stopped me cold: “It’s not possible to speed-date our way to a more intimate relationship with Jesus.” I confess, most of my life has been spent racing—racing to sporting events for my kids, racing to appointments and now racing through airports. It’s the nature of my life, and I love it. But I need moments of slow and quiet to connect with Jesus. So now when I get on a plane and I’ve buckled my seatbelt, I whisper, Lord, thank you that I have to be still on this plane. Help me to enjoy Your presence.

Turn Off Digital Distractions and Talk to Jesus Instead: Another confession. I’ve often stopped at a red light and grabbed my phone to check my email. Hey! Don’t judge me! I’m guessing you do too. Instead, why not leave your phone and pray silently, Lord, thank you that Your presence is here with me in this moment. I give You all my worries and concerns, and I love You for giving me peace.

Snack on His Word Throughout the Day: Each of my daughters is in the thick of raising tiny ones. They can’t spend hours in God’s presence or else someone will tear the house up or flush something down the toilet that’s not supposed to be in the toilet (Not that any of my grandkiddoes would do that). Instead, they might focus on one verse, perhaps leaving their Bible open on the kitchen counter (with markers and pens far away from little hands who might add their own thoughts to Scripture ) As they see the Scripture, they simply renew it in their minds.

Listen to Worship Music: There’s lots of noise in our world. By listening to worship music, your heart and mind are focused on Jesus. I begin each day listening to worship music I have on my phone. The music prompts my praise and helps me focus on Jesus. As I listen, I can’t help but fall more deeply in love with Him.

I’d love to hear your ideas. What have you found most helpful in rekindling your love for Jesus? Leave a comment! {eoa}

Becky Harling, an author, certified speaker, leadership coach and trainer with the John Maxwell Team, is an energetic and motivational international speaker inspiring audiences to overcome their greatest life challenges and reach their full God-given potential. Her most recent book is How to Listen So People Will Talk. Her husband, Steve Harling, is the president of Reach Beyond, a nonprofit organization seeking to be the voice and hands of Jesus around the world.

This article originally appeared at

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