Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Should Women Work Outside the Home?

business woman

It is not about our job. It is not solely about our homemaking abilities. It is about the assignment he designed before the beginning of time. You can make disciples at home or lead a mission in the office. Deborah’s assignment was not Jael’s, just like Michelle Dugger’s is not Beth Moore’s.

Personally, I homeschool because after facing multiple near-death experiences, I started to wonder how many years I had left on this earth to spend with my children. It’s amazing how a new perspective changes what you value most. My paycheck is an awful lot smaller, but I’ve turned in my fancy heels for sweet kisses and a part time writing position that God dropped into my lap. I don’t think that last part was an accident.

That’s the beauty of life. It’s about bringing him glory; it’s about being usable for the kingdom. The bottom line is that all eternity depends on us living a life worthy of the calling we have received (Ephesians 4:1 NIV).

Dabney Hedegard is the author of When God Intervenes. Visit her at or on Twitter @dabneyland.

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