Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Receiving God’s Favor Begins With This Attitude

Have this mindset to receive favor from God.

Mary asked the question, “How can this be?” An angel of the Lord told her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary. You have found favor with the Lord.”

We can all probably think of someone who has done a great favor or two for us along the way. We might even remember the favor.

I can remember my daughter asking me to “do me a favor and tie my shoes.” I’ve had college students beg for a grading favor. My wife is the best favor-granter I know.

Favor seems to be an act of service. So when we go to God seeking favor, are we simply seeking a box to be checked? Isn’t there more to favor than a vending transaction? I continue to believe that the favor of the Lord comes with His abiding presence. I know that I know He is with me.

“For whoever finds me, finds life, and will obtain favor of the Lord” (Prov. 8:35). We have favor because we have found Him.

Brother Lawrence said it powerfully, “Let us begin to be devoted to Him in good earnest. Let us cast everything besides out of our heart. He would possess them alone. Beg this favor of Him. If we do what we can on our parts, we shall soon see that change wrought in us which we aspire after.”

I want to find more favor for the emptying of my heart from anything but Him. When I pray, “Create in me a pure heart, Oh Lord,” I am believing my heart’s desire becomes more of Him and less about my daily wants and meaningless desires.

We also know that the favor of God provides a strong tower of defense for all who call His name.

“For You, Lord, will bless the righteous; You surround him with favor like a shield” (Ps. 5:12). I pray the favor of a shield over my children and know that they are protected. I am full of faith that we are hidden under the shadow of His great wings because of favor.

In fact, favor is whatever I have faith to believe it is. Joy Strang has favor over parking places because she knows that God loves her and saves a place for her at the front door. Strong-in-faith business people expect favor in meetings and sales calls. Godly musicians pray for and receive favor over every measure in a song.

People of God receive preferential treatment—even on those days when we don’t feel so special. Favor is always with us, but sometimes we aren’t able to receive it. “I believe. Help me in my unbelief.” We can speak to others and exhort that “nothing is impossible for God,” but when it comes to our own need to receive favor, we can easily recite a list of doubts.

Are you aware of the Lord’s favor in your life? While others are counting blessings, let’s also be thankful for His favor. “Remember me, O Lord, when You give favor to Your people; visit me with Your deliverance” (Ps. 106:4).

Dr. Steve Greene is publisher and executive vice president of the Media Group at Charisma Media.

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