Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word: ‘Take Up Your Bed and Walk’

Today is a great day for miracles. It's a great day to get up and fight the good fight as a champion of God.

Jesus gave the lame man three commands in John 5:8: to rise, take up his bed and walk. Today, Jesus is commanding us to rise above earthly ways and to step into in heavenly pools of glory, for the glory of God is the divine source of all that’s good. Taking up our bed and walking signify a way of giving God the glory in our healing and in our restoration. We are not beggars lying on mats but rather ambassadors of Christ walking in and living abundant lives. God wants us to become miracles for the world to see and ask, “How can I know this miracle-working Jesus?”

Bethesda means the house of mercy or house of grace. It is wonderful to know that God’s mercy reigns over judgment, and He pours out His grace on withered, dry bones. It is time to stand to our feet and become an exceedingly great army. It is time for us to believe the promises and speak the promises of God. It is time that we open our mouths, speaking life to each and every situation, because we are reminded that “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21). The power of God is released when we release the power of God.

Are you feeling paralyzed by life today, or perhaps blind or lame—physically, mentally, emotionally or even spiritually? Do you feel like you’ve been lying by the pool for years, waiting for help, waiting for an angel of God to stir up miraculous healing powers? Well, isn’t it fascinating that after waiting for 38 years, the man who was healed never did get in the pool? Jesus just showed up on the scene, singled him out and made him whole.

Let’s ask ourselves that probing question that Jesus asked so many years ago: “Do I want to get well?” Jesus asked the question in order to identify the need. Is there an addiction, a habit or a behavior that you’ve come to enjoy way too much and don’t really want to be healed of? We’d better be ready when we answer the question, because healing and wholeness bring tremendous responsibility to walk in the fullness of God and fulfill the Great Commission.

Today is a great day for miracles. It’s a great day to get up and fight the good fight as a champion of God. Jesus is the Restorer; He’s the One who will single you out and say, “Hey! It’s your turn to rise up and walk.”

Paulette Reed is a powerful preacher, prophetic minister, encourager and author. She is a full-time revivalist/evangelist. Her passion is to share the love of Christ and unite people to the inexplicable love of our heavenly Father, exhorting them to arise and shine! She is an extremely accurate prophetess who has been raised up to bring hope and healing to the Body of Christ. Without a vision the people perish, so the Lord is using this handmaiden as His mouthpiece to speak forth individual and corporate vision, catapulting people into their destinies. Paulette loves to see God’s people awakened and proclaim the active extension of the Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. She ministers in the revival anointing accompanied by revelatory ministry, healing, miracles, signs and wonders. Read out to her by email at [email protected].

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