Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophecy: Jump Into Your Future

Walking out this prophecy means doing something uncomfortable. Are you willing?

It was over a breakfast campfire that Jesus empowered Peter to embrace his future. Jesus continued to remove any residue of shame that attempted to steal Peter’s confidence in Christ. Three times before the crucifixion Peter denied Christ, and yet that morning at breakfast, Peter reinforced to Christ how much he truly loved Him and would continue to follow Him. Wow! Jesus knew Peter loved Him, but Peter needed to hear his own confession out of his own mouth, “Yes, Lord, I love You!”

Dear Believer, the Lord has a future for us to fulfill. Though at times the past and the familiar seems more comfortable, I will assure you that the best place to be in is our destiny being fulfilled. During a spiritual battle, many believers want to retreat. But actually, the best place to be is on the front lines attempting to advance the kingdom.

At breakfast, Jesus empowered Peter to embrace his future. Yes, Jesus prepared him for much persecution, even his death, but more importantly, Peter would not die until he grew old (see verse 18). This meant that Peter still had much to do for the kingdom. In fact, Peter was just now getting started!

I’m sure that you know some of the mighty deeds of Peter. On the day of Pentecost, it was Peter who declared “This is that,” a day which the Prophet Joel prophesied concerning the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and power birthing the church. How about Peter’s shadow touching multitudes and they were completely healed? And, it was Peter who dealt with the sin of Ananias and Sapphira. Oh yes, there’s more, but think about it: Peter was more powerful after he went a fishin’ and recommitted his life to Christ.

Well, there is certainly hope for this little Texas gal (me), who thought that when she was getting older it was time to go a fishin’ but now realizing I “ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” I know now that if I let it all go that I can have it all. How about you?

Believer, I have written two books that will empower you to let go of your past and all that hinders you so that you can fully embrace your future. One is Letting Go of Limitations: Experiencing God’s Transforming Power. This book exposes any area that would cause us to be tied to our past such as mindsets, religious performance, lost passion, hard hearts, disappointments and more. The other is Faith After Failure: Reconnecting with Your Destiny, which exposes fear of failure, the need for approval, how to lock into your faith, and much more.

Dear one, you have a destiny to fulfill—be empowered to let go of every fear and hindrance that blocks your future!

A Prayer of Empowerment: Father God, I pray for each reader today to be empowered by Your Spirit to let it all go so that we are positioned to have it all. What we give up for You is worthless compared to what we receive in Christ. Lord, nothing is more important than our intimacy and relationship with You. Father, empower each of us to let go of what is comfortable and familiar. Give us the strength needed to remain on the paths of righteousness and follow You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas

Email: [email protected]

Reprinted from The Elijah List. Dr. Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International. Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and on spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie has authored Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages. Dr. Sandie and apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly. Reach out to Dr. Freed by clicking here.

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