Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Praying Your Child’s Faith Takes Root

couple praying

John and I are in the process of adopting a sibling group of four children from foster care, adding to our six. The other morning I woke up and my first thought was, “How is it possible to disciple 10 children in godly living when they’re all in various ages and stages?” My second thought was this: “Pray.”

John and I will do our best to train our children in Bible reading, prayer and service to God, but all of this must start with a foundation of prayer. The prayers we pray today can build our children’s foundation of faith in ways we can’t understand.

When it comes to raising godly children we cannot neglect discipleship, and when it comes to discipleship we cannot neglect prayer.

Want to build your child’s foundation of faith? Start with prayer.


Prayers for right standing with God

Lord, I pray that __________ will love righteousness, uprightness, and right standing with God. I pray __________ will hate wickedness. I pray that you will be __________ ‘s God. I pray that you will anoint __________ with the oil of gladness above those in this generation (see Ps. 45:7, AMP).


Prayers for deep roots and soul transformation

Lord, I pray that when __________ mourns You will grant consolation and joy. Give __________ a tiara/crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy, instead of mourning and the garment of expressive praise, instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit—that __________ may be called an oak of righteousness: lofty, strong and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice and right standing with God. May __________ be called the planting of the Lord, that You may be glorified (see Is. 61:3, AMP).


Prayers for delight in God’s presence

Lord, make known to __________ the way of life. Enrapture __________ with and in Your presence. Diffuse __________’s soul with joy (see Acts 21:28, AMP).


Prayers for seeking God first

Lord, I pray that __________ will seek, aim at, and strive after Your Kingdom first. I pray __________ will seek after Your righteousness—your way of doing and being right. I pray that all these things together will be given to __________ (see Matt. 6:33, AMP).


Prayers for reverent fear and worship of God

Lord, I pray there will be stability in __________’s times. I pray there will be an abundance of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. I pray that the reverent fear and worship of you, Lord, will be __________’s treasure. Lord, I pray their worship will be your treasure, too (see Is. 33:6, AMP).


Prayers for honor of God with money and possessions

Lord, I pray __________ will honor You by giving you their money and the first part of all their crops. I pray, Lord, as __________ give they will have more grain and grapes than they will ever need (see Prov. 3:9-10, CEV).


Prayers for sensitivity and obedience

Lord, I pray __________ will follow your command: Listen to and obey your voice, and you will be __________’s God and ___________ will be your child. I pray that __________ will walk in the whole way that you command, that all may be well with __________ (see Jer. 7:23, AMP).

Prayer for Parents:

Dear Lord, please help me in being diligent to disciple my children. I want them to know You, know Your Word and to follow after you all of their lives. Forgive me for wasting time on the meaningless pursuits of this world. Help me to guide my children toward You, and strengthen me to begin with a foundation of prayer.

Tricia Goyer has written more than 35 books, including both novels that delight and entertain readers and nonfiction titles that offer encouragement and hope. She has also published more than 500 articles in national publications such as Guideposts, Thriving Family, Proverbs 31 and HomeLife Magazine.

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