Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Pray This Prayer and Walk in Greater Anointing for Kingdom Business

God is searching the earth for God-fearing leaders who will boldly unleash the power of the Holy Spirit in the marketplace, workplace and throughout their communities with signs and wonders that shake the earth.

“unleashed (v.) to be loosed from bondage; to be sent with great force”

We wake up every day to reports of bombings, shootings, shifted morality and confused systems of basic ethics. And while we have progressed as a nation in technologies and business innovation, we have digressed as a nation in spirituality. The clash of good versus evil has never been stronger, and the cry for justice has never been louder.

The epicenter of our culture is the marketplace and where so much darkness seems to prevail. But that is exactly where Jesus performed the majority of His miracles. He was sent to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit right in the middle of where people did life, and so are we. As business mavericks, entrepreneurs, moms and dads, politicians and influencers, we can no longer be apathetic to the growing animosity of darkness, perversion and division that permeates our nation. But instead, we must be like Jesus and step out of our comfort zones and boldly unleash His power in the world around us. Clearly, for things to change, we must change, and God has given us the power, timing, talents and authority to do so.

Satan could care less if you become successful, climb to the top of your career ladder, gather a mass number of followers, be a notable speaker, corporate executive, make excessive amounts of money or experience fame and fortune. But what terrifies him is when you awaken to God’s highest purpose for your life, allowing the Holy Spirit of God to flow through you, empower your decisions, and use your life and talents to penetrate the marketplace and make His name great in all the earth (Mark 16:17-18).

Unleash the Lion

A few years ago, while I was still the senior vice president for a large telecommunications company, I was so busy I didn’t think I could add one more responsibility to my plate. But one Sunday morning, our church announced its need for worship leaders. I tried to act as though I didn’t hear the invitation, but I knew God was prodding me to volunteer. My logic said, “You don’t have time! You are too busy, and you don’t sing anymore.” But then Holy Spirit reminded me of how he had healed me of cystic fibrosis as a baby and the very lungs where my miracle occurred were what gave me the ability to negotiate kingdom business today. I humbly said “yes” and joined the team. One month later, I had a prophetic dream that shook my spirit and awakened me to realize that God was about to unleash His power on the earth with an outpouring of signs and wonders.

In the dream, I was leading worship at a megachurch. The stage was filled with hundreds of light bulbs, saltshakers and a little lamb that was pacing back and forth while we sang. Everyone was caught up in the beauty of the music and the tenderness of the atmosphere. They were unshaken by the oddity of light bulbs, saltshakers and a living lamb walking around on the stage. As the pastor stepped forward to give his message, we took our seats. The saltshakers and light bulbs were still scattered all over the stage, and as the pastor gave a wonderful salvation message, the little lamb continued to gently move around him like a kitten looking for attention.

Then, I noticed something that looked like a cage with bars and a padlock under the front of the stage. At that moment, I saw an enormous lion walk up to the front of the cage and let out a massive roar. Then I heard a voice in my dream say, “Staci, the church has grown comfortable with the message of the Lamb, which is that of love, salvation and grace. But I am about to unleash the power of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah on your generation in the form of signs and wonders. Then, they will know that I am both the Lion and the Lamb. Prepare yourself for an outpouring of my Spirit with signs and wonders like have never been seen before.”

Jesus not only came for our salvation, but He is also the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, giving us authority and power over the enemy today. His Spirit, which is in us, empowers us to take dominion over the things of this earth, including disease, oppression, depression, demonic spirits and forces of darkness.

We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in the marketplace and a conduit of miracles to those suffering and in need. It’s time for us to take our place in this great awakening that will not be confined to the four walls of a church or synagogue. Instead, it will take place in the marketplace, through ordinary people who have extraordinary faith in a more than able God.

Pray this prayer and let God use your life, talents and career to empower you to be unleashed and anointed for kingdom business.

Prayer for Empowerment

Father, I recognize You as the Lion and the Lamb in my life. I surrender my life, my time, talents and resources to You. My greatest desire is to know You and the power of Your resurrection. I want to be used by You to reach this generation and to unleash Your greatness on earth. Holy Spirit, flow through me and increase my faith to believe in the impossible, in Jesus’ name, Amen. {eoa}

Staci Wallace has spent over 30 years building businesses that fund kingdom projects. She is a speaker, teacher and author of numerous books and discipleship courses, including her latest book, Unleashed and Anointed for Kingdom Business.

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