Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Possess Your Spiritual Inheritance

woman praying

Possessing your spiritual inheritance involves the ability to live a holy life and receive impartation of the divine nature as you continually give yourself to God and come to truly know Him. He makes it possible for you to become a partaker of the divine nature, delivering you from the corruption of this generation.

As you study His Word and humbly seek Him, you will begin to think as He thinks; you will exchange your worldly thoughts for His kingdom thoughts. The Holy Spirit will cause the written Word to come alive to you. And Christ, who is the Word, will become your life. You will realize the reality of what the apostle Paul wrote: “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).

In my book Placed in His Glory, I wrote, “The work of the Holy Spirit is to reveal the glory of Jesus in us. As long as we are in control, He can’t be.

“The ‘I’ nature wants to rule, having my way and exercising my rights, never allowing the Holy Spirit to do what He came to do. If we take our ‘I’ to the cross, we can exchange it there for the I AM.

“Then the Holy Spirit moves into every area of our personality, and the veil of flesh begins to fall away. We begin to realize that we don’t think as we used to think.

“The truth will dawn on us: ‘These aren’t my thoughts.’ Then we understand Paul’s injunction to ‘Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus'” (Phil. 2:5).

The Holy Spirit begins to replace Adam’s carnal mind with the mind of Christ so we can think as our Daddy thinks. Then He changes our rebellious wills as well.

As we keep surrendering to the Holy Spirit, He begins to take the Father’s will and make it our will. As we yield to the Holy Spirit’s work within us, we begin to walk with God and do the will of God.

Perhaps you will never fully grasp the wonder of redemption. But you can rejoice in it and experience the reality of the life of Christ in you—your promised land—as you abandon yourself to the Holy Spirit within you.

He has come to change you into the image of Christ, to cause this “treasure in earthen vessels” to shine forth, “that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (2 Cor. 4:7). And He made your victory possible (Col. 2:13-15).

Christ did it all for us. Why should we be defeated by enemies who seem too strong for us—anger, self-pity or pride? We must be very courageous to put off the old man and put on the new, as Paul admonished us: “Put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and … put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:22-24).

Begin to declare victory. The righteous King has come. Receive His perfect love and banish the kings of self forever.

Read a companion devotional.

The late Fuchsia Pickett is the author of Possess Your Promised Land, published by Charisma House, from which this article is adapted.

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