Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Planned Parenthood, Ashley Madison and Faith

The world is falling apart, or at least it seems that way when my Facebook news feed is filled with stories on Planned Parenthood, Josh Duggar's sexual sins, and the marital cheating website Ashley Madison.

If you’re dealing with sin in your own life, here are three things you need to know.

  1. Hidden Sins Grow. Do you sin? Yes, we all do. Maybe your secret sin is small in comparison to porn addiction or cheating on your spouse, but if you are hiding ANYTHING from someone you love then it’s a sign that something’s wrong and you need help. Little sins that are hidden soon grow into big sins. If you’re hiding out of guilt and fear then you need to confess. Hiding a problem does not lead to a solution. Instead it builds up walls and isolates us.
  2. Confessing Ushers in Healing. Confession, on the other hand, is the first step to getting the help we need. God has provided each of us with a great protective and restoring resource, and that is the body of Christ. In the past I’ve confessed my sins of abortion and an emotional affair to Christian friends whom I trusted, and they rallied around me. They prayed with me and for me. They sent me Scriptures passages, and they spoke the hard truth—things I needed to hear. Having friends to be accountable to broke Satan’s hold on me. Knowing they would ask about how I was doing caused me to turn to God, instead of trying to fight (and fail) alone. If you’re hiding a sin, know that you don’t have to fight your battle alone. If you have Christian friends—or a spouse—whom you can trust, turn to them. If you don’t, FamilyLife has a great (and free!) resource called eMentoring. When you reach out for help, you are taking the first step to change.
  3. Change is Possible. Maybe you’re reading this and thinking, “Change for me is impossible.” Yes, that would be true if it were just up to you. It’s not. Jesus wants to be there for you. Jesus died so you don’t have to carry those burdens of sin anymore. He not only wants to offer your forgiveness, He also wants to offer you Himself. Whatever your struggle is, turn to Jesus. Remember that you can’t change alone.

This world is a hard place to live. Horrible things, like the destruction of human life by Planned Parenthood is happening around us, but we can best step out to help fight the horrors the world when our inner man has won our own battle with sin first. And inviting Jesus in is the only way to win.

When it comes to dealing with the horrors of Planned Parenthood … do something. And when it comes to battling own sin … do something. Jesus will help you whenever you need it however you need it. But whatever you do, do not just sit back and keep silent or stay hidden. When you step out you’re taking the love of Christ in you. And when you look inward, and seek healing, only then can you be a person to offer Jesus’ healing and grace to others in need.

Do something.

Do it today.

Do it with Jesus’ help.

Tricia Goyer has written more than 35 books, including both novels that delight and entertain readers and nonfiction titles that offer encouragement and hope. She has also published more than 500 articles in national publications such as Guideposts, Thriving Family, Proverbs 31, and HomeLife Magazine.

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