Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

One Mom’s Heartfelt Response to New York’s Late-Term Abortion Law

Amaris Beecher, wife, mother and prolific blogger, has some compelling thoughts to share on her “She Is Reclaimed” Facebook page about the passage of the new late-term abortion bill in New York state. Read, share, pray and let us know what you think!

I’m having a hard time placing words to the heaviness I feel over the new law that was passed in New York City. ⠀

My heart breaks for the blood of innocent babies that’s being shed. It’s an atrocity that should not be ignored as we continue to scroll through our phones. Our knees should be on the ground praying for the mercy of God, and our money should be given to organizations that help women in crisis pregnancies in need of help and other options. ⠀

My heart breaks for the women who are so caught in their sin that the life of another human is not worth saving. They do not know freedom and for them I am praying. There is no one too far gone that the blood of Christ can not set free. And it’s such a time as this that we should share the hope of Christ to those tormented with shame. ⠀

And my heart breaks for the wickedness and depravity of our world that is so far from real love and truth that they could vote to end a life saying they are “pro woman.” Pro woman is pro life – as we are the givers of life. Pro woman is to stand up for the voiceless and use our influence to love others (even the unborn) ABOVE ourselves. But again, even in this wickedness and depravity Christ still desires that ALL would come to repentance and to a knowledge of Him. Let it be so, Lord!⠀

Men and women, stop what your doing and pray. If the blood of Abel cried out to God from the ground, how much more so the millions of lives that have been slaughtered at the chants of “freedom.” Do not allow yourself to grow insensitive to the atrocities that we are experiencing – ask God to break your heart for what breaks His and then do something. Give your money, give your time, love those cast in shame, defend the faith, fight for the voiceless, and pray to the ONLY God who is capable and willing to save.

Amaris Beecher is a wholehearted Christian, richly blessed wife and mother of three stunners, living life in sunny Orlando, Florida. Her goal is to inspire women to live their lives with authenticity and freedom through Jesus Christ. Find Amaris at or on Facebook and Instagram.

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