Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Mimicking Supermodels, Christian Girls Posting Seductive Selfies

Kim Kardashian

God gives us standards for purity and holiness because He knows it’s what’s best for us. True joy and contentment won’t come through the applause of your friends, it will only come through obeying and honoring God. “Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with their whole heart” (Psalm 119:1-2).

I know you want to be blessed by God. I sure do! Instead of striving after the empty applause of this world, strive for the fulfilling applause of your King.

You will never be happier than when you’re living your life for God’s glory.

As Christian girls we have a duty to honor our King in every area of our lives. We have a responsibility to bear the image of Christ to the lost world around us.

Will you join me in rejecting the trend of seductive selfies? Will you say no to posting self-glorifying pictures that put all of the attention on you?

Our world is in desperate need of Christian girls who are willing to stand up for God’s truth by displaying something far greater than themselves.

Let’s make it personal:

  • Are you guilty of posting seductive selfies? If so, what is your motivation behind posting them?
  • Are you willing to ask God’s forgiveness for not reflecting well on His image? If so, confess your sins and ask God to create a clean and pure heart inside of you.
  • What ways are you tempted to put the attention on yourself instead of God?

Kristen Clark is co-founder of GirlDefined Ministries.

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