Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Marilyn Hickey: How to Prophesy Your Healing and See Your Miracle

Know what can you learn from a man who flunked out of nine jobs in less than five years? You’ll learn how to bring God’s wisdom into your circumstances and be blessed. Want to win and resolve every conflict and be successful in business, marriage and life in general? Steven Scott’s book, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, provides you with strategies to have extraordinary outcomes to everything to which you apply its principles. Based on the book of Proverbs, The Richest Man Who Ever Lived will show you how to break down the wisdom available to you to impact your daily life.

Are you aware that you have the power of life and death in your words? If you tap into the vocabulary of the Holy Spirit, you can prophesy health and healing over your body and over others. Today, Christians are desperate to understand how to believe and access their miracle. In Becky Dvorak’s book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words: Creating an Atmosphere for the Miraculous, you’ll learn how to defeat the powers of sickness by prophesying words of healing. Speak to the mountains in your life today and get radical with your words. Believe in healing!

Are you praying for a miracle? Well, what’s in your hand? If you give it to Him, God will take what’s in your hand and turn it into the miraculous. Remember the little boy with five loaves and two fish? After he gave that lunch to Jesus, the food multiplied to feed over 5,000. God asked Moses what he had in his hand. It was a rod, and that rod was instrumental in delivering the Israelites out of Egypt. What leaves your hand and is given to God produces something that gives a continual harvest. Sow seeds into God’s kingdom and step out in faith to receive your miracle.

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