Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Listening to God’s Still, Small Voice in Your Love Life

Do this to keep your focus on God if you're single today.

Have you ever thought about what a whisper will sound like from your future husband? Can you picture the two of you snuggled on a couch? Or at a park? Or walking along a sidewalk? He leans close. You feel his breath on your cheek. What does he say?

“I love you.”

“I can’t wait until we’re alone.”

“You look beautiful.”

Isn’t that what every young woman hopes for some day? We all want a guy who will love God and love us with his whole heart. But how will you know when you find him?

It’s a romantic notion that, when you first see the man you’re going to marry, you’ll hear a booming voice from heaven, see fireworks and feel all mushy inside. That may happen for some. But maybe, just maybe, when you see the man God has prepared for you, the knowing will come as a gentle whisper. God’s been known to speak like that before:

He said, “Go and stand on the mountain before the Lord.”

And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind split the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake came, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake, a fire came, but the Lord was not in the fire, and after the fire, a still, small voice (1 Kin. 19:11-12).

All the Noise

It’s easy to get distracted by all the noise—the magazine quizzes, songs and memes that claim to know about love, but the best way to truly know about love is to listen to the One who created it: God.

If you read God’s Word, and feel a stirring in your heart, pay attention. He may be preparing you for a future—and for a future husband—only He can see. God longs to whisper to your heart, but you have to be still enough to pay attention.

Once you pay attention to what God is saying, it’s time to write some love letters.

Love Letters to Your Future Husband

Take out a few sheets of paper and start by thinking about love.

  • How do you know you’re loved?
  • What do people do to let you know they love you?
  • How does it feel?

Now write a love letter to your future husband. Include ways you love him even now. For example, one of those ways is praying for him. Other ways can be staying pure, making wise decisions and protecting your heart.

Every time you have special thoughts about God, yourself, your future husband or your future, write about it, sharing your heart with your future husband.

Find a special place to keep your love letters to your future husband. Add to them when you feel the time is right. Save these letters until you can present them to your groom on your wedding day. Doesn’t it make you smile to think that the love you’re giving now is a small step toward the love you’ll have then?

Love Letters to God

Next, write a love letter to God. Don’t write down things you should say. Instead, write down what’s really in your heart. Maybe you want to love God more. Maybe you love Him now more than you ever have. Write that down.

God knows your thoughts, but it means even more when you take the time to share your love on paper. As you write, listen for His whispers. Let His love sink deep in your heart.

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities nor powers, neither things present nor things to come, neither height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 8:38-39).

A Prayer for You

Dear Lord, sometimes I get so caught up in the things here on Earth that I forget about eternity with You. I have many hopes and dreams for my future, but remind me, Lord, to look past here and now. Remind me that You are what eternity is all about. And that someday I’ll be united with You, my eternal love.

None of us knows when our life will end, but I pray that You will find me ready. I give You my heart, my life. Thank You for giving me eternity in return. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for Your Eternal Love

Dear Jesus, no matter what life gives me, I’m thankful I have eternity with you. Someday, Lord, I may walk down a church aisle as a bride dressed in white. I hope so, but there are no guarantees.

What I am guaranteed is that when I accept You as my Savior, I will get to spend eternity with You. And someday there will be a heavenly wedding. I can’t wait! Jesus, may my love for You grow more each day until the moment I can look into Your eyes and see Your smile. What a celebration that will be!

“For you place blessings on him forever; You make him rejoice with gladness with Your presence” (Ps. 21:6).{eoa}


Tricia Goyer has written more than 35 books, including both novels that delight and entertain readers and nonfiction titles that offer encouragement and hope. She has also published more than 500 articles in national publications such as Guideposts, Thriving Family, Proverbs 31 and HomeLife Magazine.

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