Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Lisa Bevere: The Lord Wants to Call You Out of Your Cold, Dark Hiding Place

It starts with how you see this.

Do you know that how you see is far more important than how you look? I do, and yet for me, walking this out is a dance of daily recalibration. You see, rearranging the furniture of my life or altering my physical appearance is so much easier than daily lifting my sight.

Appearance is how you and I are seen or perceived by others. As much as we have the freedom to change the way we look, we have little to almost no control over how others choose to see us.

You can’t control how you are seen, but you can choose how you see. While my appearance is how my world sees me, how I see becomes my vantage point on my world.

When you first turned from your sins and beheld your true image, you probably didn’t like what you saw—the remnants of the flaws, wrinkles and blemishes of your former life. The clarification brought magnification to your shortcomings.

Today’s culture is constantly attempting to focus on your flaws instead of your true worth. Unknowingly, you can allow cultural influences to drape, disfigure and mask what God has done. You can easily lose sight of the truth:

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may declare the goodness of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9).

The Lord wants to call you out of your cold, dark hiding place into the gentle warmth of the light of the knowledge of Him. We have boldness because of Christ. God wants us to be confident as we come before Him. He wants to transform us even more than we want to be transformed!

This week, allow the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see through the lens of His Word. He is waiting for you to turn to Him so He can remove anything that may be separating you from intimacy with Him!

I originally wrote about this topic in my book It’s Not How You Look, It’s What You See. You can click here to learn more about that message.

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