Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Is Lack of Self-Control Driving You to Eat?

woman eating chocolate

Acknowledgment of the problems the step before confession, and confession eventually leads to repentance. Repentance simply means that we agree with God that our behavior is not pleasing to Him–and then we change.

But keep in mind that in and of ourselves, we are weak. We must learn to rely totally on the power of the Holy Spirit if we want to achieve long-term success. And one of the Spirit’s attributes is self-control.

Self-control, like David, comes last in the list. But David didn’t stay in the background forever. He came out of the field, was anointed by Samuel and went down in history as the greatest king of Israel, a man dear to God’s heart.

It’s time for Christian women to bring the “last” fruit of the Spirit–self-control– out of the background. It’s time for us to line up every aspect of our lives (including our plates) with the will of God and subject ourselves to His precepts. Then we’ll be equipped to take control of our weight and reap the benefits of better health.

Read a companion devotional.

Kara Davis, M.D., is a writer and physician who specializes in internal medicine. She combines medical knowledge with biblical wisdom in her approach to patient care.

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