Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Is Jesus Against Same-Sex Marriage?

What would Jesus think of last Friday's Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marraige?

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen. 1:26).

Nothing else in creation is given this designation of being created in God’s image. You as a woman, me . . . we are created in God’s likeness, in His image . . . we’re created to IMAGE GOD—to bear God’s reflection. We’re created to bear His likeness through our gender.

To understand the significance of the same-sex marriage debate, we must understand God’s purpose for marriage.

The display of two genders united in marriage provides a significant metaphor. God’s design of marriage is the physical model He created to display His great mystery: the relationship between Jesus (the divine Bridegroom) and the Church (His Bride) as seen in Ephesians 5:22–33.

Same-sex marriages obliterate the biblical model for marriage.

The Supreme Court ruling on marriage has not changed God’s ruling. God’s design and purpose for marriage stands. Man may attempt to redefine marriage, but we don’t have the authority to redefine what God has defined. When we accept same-sex marriage as an option, we’ve ripped the design from the Designer and re-engineered our own invention for our own purposes—and what we’ve designed is not marriage.

Man may attempt to redefine marriage, but we don’t have the authority to redefine what God has defined.

This decision has implications that are much more serious than whether two individuals who declare that they love each other can enter into marriage. Make no mistake—this decision is in direct opposition to God’s design and purpose.

This decision is a direct assault on God’s authority.

I’m not opposed to same-sex marriage because of the individuals who demanded that it be legalized. I’m not opposed because I’m a “homophobe” or a hatemonger or because I like to push people’s buttons. I am opposed to same-sex marriage because it stands in direct opposition to God’s revelation of Himself.

I’m opposed to same-sex marriage because it stands in opposition to God.

Although some may claim that my opinion is merely an opinion, my stance is not rooted in any personal agenda, but is based on what God has revealed to us through His Word. When I saw Jesus dragged into the mix by someone placing on a placard what they claimed to be His opinion on this topic, it compelled me to share what Jesus actually said about this.

A court decision doesn’t change what we’re to do.

Our response to the Supreme Court decision as believers should be the same response that we have when we’re faced with the fallen condition of mankind on a daily basis. As believers we are called to the ministry of reconciliation. We are to be living demonstrations of God’s amazing grace by speaking the truth in love, by sharing the hope of the gospel with a lost world, by offering the rescue plan that Jesus provided through His sacrifice on the cross.

A court decision doesn’t change what we’re to do.

No matter what, we are still called to share the real message Jesus gave. We’re to let others know what true love actually looks like:

By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers (1 John 3:16).

How can you demonstrate Jesus’ love to those who stand in opposition to God’s plan for marriage?

Taken from Kimberly Wagner’s blog post “Jesus Speaks Out For Marriage.” Used with permission.

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