Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Is It Time to Give Up?

Asian woman looking

I was talking with a friend lately about how it feels like for the past five-plus years God has asked me to give up a lot.

Sometimes it feels like all I’m doing is giving up people, things, hopes and dreams.

Sometimes it has felt unbearable, and sometimes it has been relatively easy.

Sometimes the outcome has been good right from the start, and other times—well, I’m still waiting to see the good.

“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation” (Ps. 42:5, ESV).

I don’t doubt it will come … eventually. I understand that sometimes the good isn’t something I’ll be able to see, feel, touch or even understand. The good is going to have to be something I trust will happen because I trust God.

But I have to be honest and say that on one hand I’m tired of giving up things and on the other hand I kinda just wanna give up.

Even as I write that, I don’t think I really mean it. I definitely have those moments of “Good grief! I give up!” or “Lord, I just can’t take this anymore, please please make it better—I feel like giving up” or “God, I trust you; I’m giving this up to you.” The last one would be the best one to utter, most definitely.

So when I feel like giving up, how do I give my stuff up to God?

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