Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

“I Saw an Army of Women!”

woman soldier

“‘Kings of armies flee; they flee!’ Even the women who were at home divided the spoil” (Ps. 68:12).

After I’d been praying, prophesying and believing God for revival for years, the Father asked me one day, “What kind of revival do you want?”

Knowing full-well His questions are usually leading questions, I asked Him, “Well, what kind of revival should I want, Father?”

He answered back, “Do you want a revival of souls or of miracles?”

I thought for a bit and answered, “I want a revival of souls … with a lot of miracles!”

“How many souls do you want?” He continued.

Digging deep for an answer, I remembered Evan Roberts from the historical Welsh revival asked God for 100,000 souls and he got them. So, I hesitantly answered, “Could I have 100,000 souls, Lord?”

He was silent.

I knew I had answered timidly, so I tried again. Reaching for more faith, I answered, “500,000 souls, Lord?”

Again, I heard nothing.

I knew I was not believing for enough from Him and tried again. “1,000,000 souls, Lord?” I asked sheepishly.

Again, nothing. I tried again, “5,000,000?”


Wow! I really thought I was led by faith with that last guess, so I just threw caution to the wind and declared loudly, “One billion souls, Lord!”

“Now you are talking, daughter,” He answered.

Later, I questioned Him, “Lord, how could I win a billion souls?”

That is when He showed me His simple equation for exponential revival. He said, “All you need to start with is 5,000 people, sold out and equipped to redeem the harvest.”

If those 5,000 people each led only 3 people to the Lord, that would be 15,000, turning it over only 5 times, you would already be at 1 million people, and that is only the beginning. I saw it all as He laid out His plan in my spirit. With only 5,000 awakened believers, I could win 1 billion souls.

So, when I think of you, dear friend, reading this message and walking in the liberty of the Father, I don’t see you alone—I see 1 billion souls coming to Jesus through you!

A Great Light

One night as I slept, I was awakened by the Lord as His presence filled the room. Suddenly, I saw myself sitting in my little home, safe and snuggling, spending precious time with Jesus. As I continued to watch the vision unfold, I saw myself get up from my comfy chair and dart out into the dark chill of the night. Guided by one small torch, I felt compelled to venture into the night to try and light the way for the lost, whom I knew in my heart were trying desperately to find their way home.

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