Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How Your Own Painful Moments Can Mobilize You to Pray for Others

I fought tears and held back a scream the moment my hammer struck my finger instead of a nail. For days, touching a computer keyboard was excruciating, but every time my finger throbbed, it provided inspiration for prayer, prayer for those who are in physical or emotional pain all over the world. Let’s explore other ideas that follow this concept.

When our youngest daughter lost the tip of her finger in an accident, the doctors discussed the need to amputate. We prayed that God would save the finger next to the one that would display her wedding ring when she met her prince. He did. The needles to numb her finger were far more painful than the injury. We chose to worship and pray for men, women and children suffering illness, injury or trauma in the hospital with us. The moment became a mission, as focusing on her pain would only make it seem worse, but focusing on others offered distraction and purpose.

When our grandson had a similar injury, we were told to brace ourselves for his screams. We prayed. Caleb smiled and fell asleep while they injected needles to numb it and stitched the top back in place. Those in his room stated they had never seen anything like it, that he was amazing. Actually, he is, but it’s all because our God is amazing!

Let’s wrap things up with a few specific inspirations you can build on.


When we had to change Melissa Ann’s finger bandages several times daily, she was a champion while I winced and wined, but we prayed, asking God to bind up the brokenhearted. It remains our prayer when applying any simple bandage strip.


While blotting blood or tears: Father, Please use me to bandage the physical and emotional wounds and dry the tears of those who weep throughout the earth.

Medical Facilities

When visiting a physician, hospital or driving past any medical facility, in addition to praying for the patients, it reminds us to pray for those who devote their lives to this profession. They witness so much physical and emotional trauma.

Father, Please encourage and inspire them. May they know and enjoy a relationship and reliance on You, O Great Physician.


Some people call it “The Big C.” Hearing the word or seeing the letter “C” reminds us to pray for all battling physical or spiritual cancers (pride, selfishness or any form of sin). Here’s a very simple yet powerful prayer:


Please make every cell whole and holy.

When loved ones receive a serious diagnosis, I ask what their favorite color is and tie that color ribbon on a pen, reminding me to pray that they enjoy peace as they trust in God to write the stories of their lives.


I believe it angers Satan yet delights God when we spend our tears, our thoughts, ourselves in praying for others who have a headache, mental illness, head injuries or other illnesses when our head hurts so badly that our pillow feels like a python’s fierce squeeze.

And a cross reminds us that Jesus chose to endure great agony to demonstrate the magnitude of His love for us. What if He had chosen to come down from His cross to avoid the pain? And now, we have a cross to bear throughout our lives. Let’s take it up, embrace it and follow wherever He may lead.

You get the point from which we may use our pain to change the world. I’d love to hear your thoughts about this topic. Share them with others. Share them with the world.

Connie Norrispassion is to mobilize women and children to pray. Please visit her website, “My Home, a House of Prayer for All Nations” or connect with her on Facebook.

This article originally appeared at

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