Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

How to Take Back What the Enemy Has Stolen From You (and More)

Are you hurting, overwhelmed, stressed-out? Psychologist and author Dr. Barbara Lowe wants you to know you’re not alone­–or hopeless.

In “Dr. Barbara’s Whole Life Podcast” on the Charisma Podcast Network, Dr. Lowe asks: “Do you have broken relationships? Are you tired of feeling down and out? Are you tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you tired of feeling nothing? Do you have traumas from your life that you can’t seem to get over?” She has clients who deal with all of these and more, she says.

And Lowe understands through her own life experience. “When I became a Christian [at age 19], I was a mess,” she says. “I had been drinking too much I was trying to quit drinking. I had used drugs. I had eating disorders. And I had grown up in an abusive home environment, a neglectful home environment by two individuals who were also themselves addicts of many different kinds.”

But God has turned all of this for good, she says, by giving her divine insights into the healing process. “My whole life has become about seeing others healed,” she says. A part of the process, she says, is giving ourselves back some of what we missed while growing up. “Why? Because the Lord gives double for your trouble, my friend! Have you read Isaiah 40 through the end?… He wants to give you so, so much double for your trouble. He wants to bless you a hundredfold where the enemy has taken from you.”

To learn more about Dr. Lowe’s healing process and hear about her Hearts Returning home course, designed to deal these issues and more, listen to the podcast.

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