How to See in the Spirit

Seeing it will prompt us to pray. That’s the idea! God announces His intentions into our desires or understanding (see Is. 42:9). Then He brings His intentions into being in response to our prayers.

He engages us before the fact so that we will recognize His work and not attribute His power to anyone or anything else (see Rom. 4:21; Is. 48:11). Why? Because He gives impossible vision! He will implant a vision in you that only He can bring into being.

And He will not bring about a diluted form of His vision. You may bring about a diluted form of it; but He will not.

If what you are envisioning about a situation negates or underestimates the power of God, you are not praying the vision, not claiming the promise. You are limiting God by expecting of Him only what you can imagine.

What impossible situation confronts you at this moment? You do not have to deny the negative in order to pray with power. You simply have to view the situation in the light of kingdom realities.

Look fearlessly and realistically at your situation. Don’t let the circumstances intimidate you out of trusting God to fulfill the vision.

Abraham believed God and so became the father of many nations. Place your circumstances against the backdrop of God’s promises. Let God re-create your perspective.

Now, what do you see?

Read a companion devotional.

Jennifer Kennedy Dean is the co-founder, along with her husband, Wayne, of The Praying Life Foundation ( She is a conference speaker and the author of several books, including Heart’s Cry and The Praying Life.

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