Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Respond When Your Child Says, ‘I’m Gay’

gay couple

Since that time, God has been placed at the bottom of my daughter’s list of life’s priorities, but at least He’s still on the list. Realizing that my fumbled attempts to minister to her about her “challenge” had been based on my love for her, the relationship I have with my daughter has continued to be open and loving.

We know that in time, the Holy Spirit will provide all the courage my daughter needs to approach church again. Hopefully she will be afforded the dignity and respect she needs from church fellowship as she, just like any other Christian, works on her own particular challenges. Newfound love must have a nurturing and caring environment for it to grow. Rooted in compassionate love for all individuals, regardless of who they are, and providing ongoing education and monitored growth can only ensure that the church actually helps each individual realize the blessed life that God has always intended for them.

My husband and I have accepted now that unless her desire to seek God for herself is sincere, my daughter’s relationship with God will be meaningless. Love cannot be forced, but once it has been ignited nothing can stop its dramatic effects. Nothing is impossible for God. As parents of a gay daughter, we must continue on with unquestionable faith and respect for His timing. The same love that conquers all is also the fountain from which patience and perseverance spring and it will be that same love that sees us through to the end, no matter what.

© Angela V. Rohse. Reprinted with permission from

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