Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Pray for the Military

Many prayers are directed to our deployed military personnel—and that is so appreciated—but it is equally important to pray for their loved ones at home. Here are insights provided by military spouses regarding how to pray:
Pray … for the home-front spouse
  • that they would trust God, that they would be firmly rooted in Christ and the Word of God and that they would draw strength from Him
  • for joy, hope, endurance, strength, patience, protection and safety
  • pray against fear, loneliness, fatigue, despair and depression
  • that support would be present when needed, that friends, family, co-workers and neighbors would rise up and extend assistance and encouragement
Pray … for their marriage
  • for loyalty and commitment in their marriage, and that their relationship would have trust
  • that their love would grow stronger during the time apart
  • pray against temptation or inappropriate relationships
  • for healthy ways to fill the hours left empty that would have been spent with their spouse
Pray … for their children
  • that they would be strong for their children and would have wisdom and discernment in parenting
  • that children would learn how to cope with the deployment (fears, anxieties and sadness) and learn how to express themselves
  • that schools would be understanding and helpful
Pray … for after the deployment!
  • Pray for the time of re-integration. After the happy reunion, the period of adjustment can be tough. The whole family has been affected/changed by the deployment.
  • It may be a time of dealing with unresolved issues.
  • The deployed parent needs to fit back into the home that has managed independently without him/her for a period of time. Parental/spousal responsibilities may shift.
  • Sometimes a return home is followed by a move to a new location.
  • Please keep praying!

Reprinted with permission from © Benita Koeman, founder of Operation We Are Here.

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